
Who we are

Geneec is website for economic services where it uses the geometric theory in the economy for the first time in the history of mankind. We used the geometric theory to establish the genetic economy in order to reach a higher level of accuracy in the results as the genetic economy aims to upgrade the ecnonomic system for the countries, companies and members of the international community (genetic economy is curative economy).

How do state officials control both the local economy and the global economy?!

Company Evaluation

Important observations

First : It was noted that there are some users with this site have a suspicion in dealing with the six models that belong on this section (companies evaluation ) under the pretext of maintaining their data. This argument is refused for two reasons:
  • The first reason : The data of six models that belong on this section (companies evaluation) are not registered in our database so we do not take responsibility for circulation Information is not ours So use these six models such as calculator when not used it does not retain using previous data
  • The second reason : The six models do not contain any user data such as (Company name, Telephone- email - Company website - Company activity - Nationality of the company...etc)

From the above, it is clear that the use of the six models is safe and there is not doubt in use these models under the pretext of maintaining customer data

Second : It was noted also that some users of the six models in the section (companies evaluation ), although the use of these models are available free but they slowdown in their use as a result of these models request simple data entry (eg Sales value- Value of purchases - Value of expenses - Value of debit interest if any - Value of other income if any -Value of assets) In order to provide services to the user. There is example say that each diligent realizes success. Be diligent and not are lazy in preparing the data needed to reach the best results you may need in order to succeed as you have wished into it

How do business owners and managers control the obstacles they encounter in their business?

When the company achieves a good profit, its owners, and managers believe that they are safe from the obstacles that face any company practices its activity. They should know the nature of the company's product and whether this product is capable of meeting the obstacles that may suddenly arise. From these obstacles, for example, the following:

  1. If the cost of the product suddenly increases, how does the manager behave? Does the selling price increase and thus lose a slice of its customers?
  2. If competition in the market becomes more intense, how does the manager behave? Does he move selling prices or lose a slice of his customers?
  3. How does the manager act as a result of the change in the purchasing power of the customers with the company as a result of floating the currency, for example?
  4. If there are circumstances that forced the company to need liquidity, Is it resorting to borrowing from the bank, is this safe or this will lead to the company's failure?

It is known that the treatment of the obstacles that mentioned above depends on the nature of each activity and on the size of the company and the efficiency of its managers and the question how can the genetic economy help to find treatment for these obstacles according to the nature of each company on my own?

The answer is that the genetic economy has provided six models for solving such obstacles as follows:

Evaluation Process
  1. The company is entity with properties where these properties appear through cells.
  2. The company evaluation tool detects the company cells to determine whether they are healthy or diseased.
  3. If any cell is diseased, the companies evaluation tool will give the treatment immediatly.

Budget Preparation
  1. Budget gives opportunity to compare with what has been done with what was planned in the Budget to find out the deviations and the causes and treatment of those deviations.
  2. Put everyone in the company in front of the responsibilities entrusted with.
  3. Budget helps in making decisions on reward and punishment based on what has been achieved from Budget.
Standard Budget Preparation
  1. Budget gives opportunity to compare with what has been done with what was planned in the Budget to find out the deviations and the causes and treatment of those deviations.
  2. Put everyone in the company in front of the responsibilities entrusted with.
  3. Budget helps in making decisions on reward and punishment based on what has been
  4. achieved from Budget.
  5. The standard budget determines responsible for covering the general and administrative expenses in the standard budget.
  6. The standard budget can be used for new projects as a reference in determining the value of expenses that should not be exceeded to achieve the target of the project.
  7. more
Credit Budget Preparation
  1. Knowledge of the company's ability to market the value of total sales (which include the sales value of the budget which the company is targeting to achieve in addition to the excess sales value that required to be marketed to cover the debit interest)
  2. Is marketing manager able to market this total sales value or not?
  3. If the company is able to do that, it can deal with
  4. this credit. But if it isn’t able to do that, it should retreat from this credit.
Sale Discount Budget Preparation
  1. knowing the effect of this discount on the efficiency degree of the product and therefore the special Administrative constitution of the company , which is guided with in the management of the company.
  2. knowing the extent of the ability of the marketing manager to market excess sales value which required to be sold to achieve the same profit , which was achieved before calculating the discount on the selling price.
Cost Increasing Budget Preparation
  1. Knowledge of the effect of the increase in the cost of the product on the degree of efficiency of the product and therefore the special administrative constitution of The company, which is guided with on the management of the company.
  2. Knowing the extent of absorption of the sale price of the product to the increase of the cost or the company have to increase the selling
  3. price of this product.
  4. Knowing the extent of the ability of the marketing manager on marketing the excess sales value and required to be marketed to achieve the same profits , which were achieved before increasing the cost of the product.
  5. more

Therefore, we find that the genetic economy has helped the owners of companies and managers in the treatment of the obstacles that mentioned, depending on the nature of the company's activities

The Stock

(Advisor Program) is database for companies registered on the Egyptian and Saudi Stock Exchange

This program aims to:

  1. Reducing the risk ratio in the field of buying and selling shares.
  2. Enabling non-specialists to make the right decision.
  3. Evacuate the mystery, which sometimes surrounds this field. With an emphasis on finding transparency.
  4. Trying to find a unified approach with the aim of finding bases for judging the correctness of decision-making.
  5. Finding the best way to achieve profits.
  6. Activate all the shares registered in the Stock Exchange, and therefore the brokerage firms are active in light of the many dealers with the Stock Exchange and those who achieve successes in it.

video explain the advisor program

Warning and disclaimers

Tables and analyzes were prepared based on the author's point of view, which relied on information and data obtained from sources believed to be correct and honest. In our belief, the information and results received are correct and fair at the time of preparation. Also, these data are not considered reliable as a basis for making an investment decision and the author is not responsible for any legal or investment consequences as a result of any direct losses resulting from the use of the information provided. Literary and moral information and analysis and results may not be copied or distributed without the written consent of the author. The author has the right to refer to violators in all legal procedures to preserve intellectual property rights in accordance with the laws regulated in this regard.

Download the book that explains the advisor program ( FOR FREE )

Download the Egyptian Exchange Advisor Program ( FOR FREE )

Download the Saudi Stock Exchange Advisor program ( FOR FREE )

How do traders on the stock exchange avoid the risks they have

When investors or speculators are dealing on shares in the stocks exchange, they are exposing to the following risks:

  1. They may buy shares of a company that is on the outskirts of liquidation, which would expose them to heavy losses
  2. Dealers may expose to sharp decline in the market prices of the shares, which also expose them a heavy loss
  3. In the case of sharp decline in the prices of shares, the owner of these shares in addition to the losses resulting from this decline he loss also the profit from the opportunity of alternative as a result of not receive coupons that compensated for the loss of the opportunity alternative, because the company owners of these shares did not make profits for distribution in the form of Coupons

The question: how does the genetic economy help to save stock traders from these risks?

The answer is that the genetic economy has provided a model that has answered to the previous risks, thus it provide the safety to the traders of shares in any stock exchange in the world

Sector Evaluation

The sectors evalution aims by using his different tools in achieving the following:
  1. How to activate the market of this sector in order to acheive the success of these companies and acheive sovereign revenues?
  2. How does the state adjust the prices of this sector?
  3. When does the state support the companies in this sector?
  4. To know if this sector is atractive for investment or not?

State Evaluation

The evaluation of the economic system of the state aims to determine the following:
  1. Determine the resources sources by which the state acheive the social justice.
  2. Determine the basic conditions for the evaluation of the economic system of the state.

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