
Important definitions to genetic economy

and key words used by search

First: Important definitions to genetic economy:

Genetic economy: is the science that researches in the hidden characteristics

                     of economy science, in order to reach how do this system

                    work? (Whether in the case of  health or illness of this system).

                    In order to define the diseases that befall to economy science

                   (Whether micro-economy - Macro-economy - or the global

                    economy) and to ascertain from the causes that lead to those

                    diseases and how do we cure those diseases in order to ensure

                    from the functioning safety of the economic system from any


The microeconomic: The microeconomic is all economic units ( firms,

                   corporations, regardless matter what legal form) which

                   combined all of the capital human (who are all employees

                   of those economic units from high administration to executive

                   departments) and physical capital (funds - machinery- land

                   -  innovations -etc) to present a product (whether this product

                   was a commodity or service) this product has added value

                  whereby it, the economic unit achieves the revenue that leads

                  to maintain on continuation of the economic unit life. And in

                  same time the others will pay the price for this product in order

                  to satisfy their humanity wishes.

 The macroeconomic: The state’s ability to management of microeconomic

                 system with its all sectors (industrial, agricultural, commercial

                and service) through the financial and monetary policy tools to

                achieve self-sufficiency from the products and to provide what

                 it is missing by import after these sectors are able to provide

                 the necessary currency through export local surpluses of some

                 products (commercial and service balance from the balance of

                 payment). The objective of the state from management the micro-

                economic system is to obtain a better income (taxes -customs -

                duties …etc)  to be added to the other sovereign incomes of the

                state. These revenues will be used to achieve general goals of

                the state (such as the personality of state - infrastructure- the

                achievement of social justice as education, health, service and

                subsidies …etc)

 The global economy: It is the ability of movement of global capital across

                the borders of different countries for development of the money

               and in order to benefit from advantages which are provided by

               host state. (These advantages may be available natural in the

               state which invests this money) and at the same time the host

               state will achieve the objectives which it aspires to achieving

               from these moneys.

 Note: the global economy does not mean the freedom of world trade in

           goods and services between countries. There is in trade and

           service balance to payments balance which is in macroeconomic.

           But the meaning of the global economy is freedom of movement

           of capital itself (the funds - machinery -technological

           innovations …etc) that leads to change economic form to host

           state in product quality and the degree of growth.

      Diseases that affect the microeconomic and

how do we treat these diseases by using the genes of economic.

     We pointed out in the definition of micro-economic that unit of

      its construction consists of economic units, which combined

      all the human capital and physical capital in order to present

      product has added value. The buyer is able to pay the price

      against to this product and at same time he wants to satisfy

      its wishes from this product.

     Diseases those emerge from microeconomic through the following reasons.

    1- Disease emerges from human capital.

    2- Disease emerges from physical capital.

    3- Disease emerges from product that does not satisfy the wishes

       of the consumer.

    4- Disease emerges from the inability to purchase this product.

     Note: If any disease from previous diseases appeared in any company.

             It will lead to be within failure companies and then they must be treated.

    First: Disease emerges from human capital and how we treat it by economic genes.

             The disease emerges when the genes of product is not compatible

              with genes that to be provided in the human element which deals

             with such this product. We treated this disease by using

           “discoverer companies’ genes “(see our research “Tool of

             discoverer of companies’ genes “).

    Second: Disease emerges from physical capital and how we treat it by economic genes.

            There are many diseases emerge from physical capital as follows:-

1- Disease emerges result to decrease in cash of capital that the projects need.

     The cash capital is the basic factor in establishment of any project

     in order to continue and develop. The project can not work and

    succeed only if there was enough money in order to achieve different

    needs of the project such as the assets, investments or current

    expenditure and measure of the money to any project depends on

    the following sources.

 A- Sources of personal: It is money that is collected from the people

     (either founder or shareholders in their personal or legal capacity )

     to establish the projects. Therefore it is advised that the legal form

     to economic unit that must be in the form of stock companies to be

     completed some of the money from many who wish to purchase

    those shares of companies (direct investment). Therefore this

   source will become to measure the capital from sources of cheap

   and safe at the same time. Here problem of financial recruitment

   will appear. It was accumulating savings by financial institutions

 (such as  banks) for reinvestment in form of projects. And when

 the speculation in the stock exchange appeared. So the savings

 had gone to stock exchange for speculative in order to achieve

quick profits which led to:-

1- The scarcity of funds for establishment new projects. These

    projects can produce products has added value.

2- The values of speculative money are more than the capital

    values of companies that to fall under stock exchange. So

    this money became idle. The person do not win unless

   another person has lose (there is not winner unless there is loser).

3- The speculative funds led to unemployment result not to

   use the money in establishment of new projects and thus

  the purchasing power will decrease. This is due to unemployment

  which would lead to slower of economic projects growth.

4- Increasing of prices are result to decline the number of units

   of the products that are produced by post companies without

  entering new projects in production process. In order to remedy

  this problem is not simple because there are some speculators

  has influence, therefore it is difficult to solve this problem which

  must be used with one of the tools of financial policy, as imposition

 of taxes with high rates to reduce the deals of speculation and

 directing the money to establishment new projects and here the

role of genes of the economic comes to attract the money of

speculators towards pioneer projects that achieve profits are more

than profits of banks and compensate them the profits that achieved

from the speculation risk.

    B- Sources of funding: - the most important of these sources are banks as

        intermediary between the savings of individuals,  institutions and

       between employment of such savings in the various aspects of

       employment. Therefore the role of banks are establishment of the

       projects, this step is fraught with risks for the following reasons:-

     1- All projects do not fit to borrow from banks and this was due to

         some genes of products that warn to deal in the credit. (See our

         research “discoverer of companies’ genes”).

    2- The value and working capital turnover of the bank (which is

       relatively short) differ from the value and the working capital

       turnover of borrowers, even if some products genes allowed to borrow.

   3- The banks do not use the scientific approach in the granting of credit,

       which requires the following:-

       *) the period and value of credit of the bank must be less than the

           value and working capital turnover of the bank. If the market did

           not allow, this requests to be:-

     *) The output of this equation is less or equal to the available liquidity

        of the bank, but must be reviewed the period of credit that is granted


       available liquidity to the bank for loan > = the value of working capital

      of the bank × (period of credit that is granted in the full duration ÷

      working capital of the bank)

   *) The value of dubious credit must be within the 50 % of the profits

       from this process, if it increased than 50 %, the bank must stop

      the granting credit.

  *) Credit guarantees > = available cash for credit + credit earning.

      Whereas the banks don’t apply the above elements, which led to

      failure of the companies and shaking in confidence of the banks as

      happened in the financial crisis, on other hand we note. Some other

      banks have warned about granting of credit which led to idle liquidity

     in these banks, therefore, we find that the banks (whether the banks

     that failure or the banks that declined to grant the credit) reform only

      in short loan that is commensurate with the value and working capital

      turnover of the bank, therefore it is necessary to employ the savings

      in direct employment (especially if the required employment  was a

      long-term) and this comes only through the establishment of new

     projects and raises their capital by public subscription in order to

     draw the large amounts, which were available in speculation in the stock

     exchange and the banks. And in order to generate revenues on these

     capitals and generate different products to satisfy the desire of consumers,

     which would lead to the recruitment of unemployment and thus also

     possession of these workers the liquidity that works as purchasing

     power to be able to recycle the wheel of production and work, and here

     the role of economic genes comes to determine the extent of the ability

     of the project that  will be established to generate profit on the capital

    with diagnosis and treatment of these projects during its life.

 C- The cash of surplus from needs of economic units:-

     There are some surplus funds or idle funds in some economic units,

      particularly economic units that genes of its products belong to the

     fifth or sixth group (see our research “ discoverer of companies

    ' genes") that its market does not allow to invest this money in its

    activity, which would lead to lack of improvement in the result of

    economic unit.

  Therefore, it requires from these economic units to invest this money

  in short-term employment in the outside activity.

 2- The disease emerges from the natural resources and technological innovations

  WE find that most of goods of economic units from one or both of

  the following two components, namely the output of the use of

  natural resources and the output of the use of technological

  innovations. We note any country (or economic unit) has output

 from the natural wealth. It has the great advantage and this is

 due to the inability to find easily the alternatives and their impact

 on the changing desires of consumers is simple but owning the

 output of technological innovation is achieved through scientific

 research, education and training. And its impact on the changing

 desires of consumers is severe. On the other hand, the economic

units which are its product from the output of technological innovation

should have research centers to develop its products until it did not

lead to the rapid saturation to consumer from these products which

lead to a rapid of end the life of economic units therefore, we mention

the characteristics of each of the output of natural resources and

output of technological innovation as follows:

 The characteristics of possession of the natural resources as follows:-

  1-The difficulty of finding the alternatives to the use of natural resources.

  2-The advantage of availability the natural resources give advantage

     in the age of economic unity.

  3-The impact of natural resources on the changing pattern of consumers

      is very simple.

   The disadvantages of ownership of natural resources as follows:-

    1- Natural resources revenues are usually lower than the output of

        technological innovations, especially if it is not run any

       substantially amended on it.

    2- The natural resources affect the life of economic unit, especially

         in the case of near depletion.

   The characteristics of possession of the technological innovations as follows:-

    1-The technological innovations are usually achieving very high results.

    2-Using the output of technological innovations compensate the

      scarcity of natural resources.

    The disadvantages of possession of the technological innovations as follows:-

    1- Development of research of technological innovations is expensive.

     2- The technological innovations impact on the age of economic unit,

         especially in the case of saturation of the market from them, which

         requires developing the research.

     3- The impact of technological innovations on the changing pattern of

        consumers is very severe. Therefore, the economic unit must study

       the characteristics and disadvantages of using the output of natural

       resources and output of technological innovations in order to make

       the balance between them, even if through the development of the

       activity itself in order to achieve the following objectives:

       1-To achieve the goal of profitability.

      2-The continuing of the work to the economic unit for the largest period.

      3-To achieving satisfaction of desires of consumers to the largest

          period of available. The economic unit that does not make this

          balance it may reach to the failure in achieving of the previous goals.

Third: - Disease emerges from a product does not satisfy the wishes of consumers:

        When we establish any project, then the study of project determines

        the form and specifications of the product and its ability to satisfy

        the wishes of the consumers, but it can appear a problem such

       as non-satisfy of product the wishes of the consumer during the

       life of the project and this is due to emergence of a new technology

      style or innovative way in the production of this product therefore

     the economic unit must discover the lack of product to satisfy the

     wishes of consumers, it must accelerate development of its product

     or it develops its activity, if there was necessary, and the other

     hand, we mentioned that one of the task of the state in the

      macroeconomic is attempt to reach self-sufficiency from goods

     and services and it knows the full extent of the volume of the

     marketing gap to any product that it wants to achieve self-sufficiency,

     therefore the state must propose the projects that lead to achieving

    self-sufficiency and work to satisfy the wishes of consumers, and which

     lead eventually to the working continuation of the economic units in

     its tasks.

 Fourth: - Disease emerges from inability to purchase this product:-

     It may have combined the human capital and physical capital to

     produce products are able to satisfy the wishes of consumers,

    but the capacity of purchasing is obstacle for completion of the

   micro-economy circle and this was due to the lack of sufficiency

   liquidity to influential categories on the movement of purchasing

  and selling such as existence categories of poor or idle groups.

  So the concentration of wealth by a few categories in society may

 lead to slowdown the growth of economic and affects all categories

 of society. The treatment of unemployment is through the following:-

 1- Preservation of the labor human force from unemployment

     through the convergence of their genes with their products genes

    (see our research “discoverer of companies’ genes”).

 2- The state must propose new projects in order to employ the

     workers to fill the marketing gap for self-sufficiency by using

    of the savings money instead of its presence in the stock exchange

    speculation, or deposited in the banks (see the disease emerges

   caused decrease in cash of capital that the projects needs).

 3- The state must rehabilitate these idle workers and return them

     to the labor market again (the task of education and scientific

     research, one of the functions of the state) But the poor may work

    but its income does not get enough of his different desires,

  therefore the treatment of poverty by using the following steps:-

 1- The economic units must be diagnosed through the program of

     discoverer of companies' genes in order to know the pioneer

    companies (they are companies that achieved efficiency of an

    excellent, very good or good) and they are usually achieving

    profits are more than profits of the banks and we must work

    database from these pioneer companies according to the sectors

    which belong to their the pioneer companies. And we will know also

    the failure companies and any diseases have befallen it in order to

    treat the causes of disease.

 2- The state must buy (the money of widows could be added to the

     money of state) shares 10 % from the value of the capital’s

    pioneer companies (it must be there text provides the state

    legal right in order to purchase and sell percentage of 10 % with

    nominal value and to be distributed its profits in cash form annually).

    So as the state will achieve additional revenues resulting to its

    ownership of the shares (the ratio of 10 %) in pioneer companies.

   This revenue will add to revenues that come from micro-economic

   (taxes - customs - duties  ...etc) and sovereign revenues that

   come from the natural resources and output of technological

    innovations which make the outcome of the state from different

    revenues are large and that enable the state from performance

    with its tasks. Then the state can subsidize to the poor and widows

    from revenues of shares in order to increase the liquidity for them.

    This liquidity will increase the purchasing power and therefore it

    will increase operations of purchasing and selling so as it will lead

    to working continuation of economic units and increase growth of

    the economic units.

 Diseases that affect the macroeconomic and

how do we treat these diseases by using the genes of economic.

  We defined the macro-economy with capacity of the state to

   management of microeconomic system in all its sectors. (Industrial -

   agricultural - commercial and services) by using the financial

   and monetary policy tools after the diagnosis of these sectors and

    knowing the pioneer companies and failure companies in order to reach:-

  1-Knowledge of pioneer companies and supports its role,

    if they contribute to achieve the self-sufficiency.

  2-Treatment of the failure companies, if the state needs to

     their activities in order to continue by using the financial and

     monetary policy tools.

  3-The state must setup proposed projects in order to employ both

     labor and savings for producing the goods and services that the

     market needed to reach self-sufficiency. If the state has succeeded

     in management of micro-economic as I have indicated, it will achieve

           the following:-

     1-increasing of revenue that derived from micro-economic (such as

        taxes - customs- duties …etc)

     2-The state will get annually revenue because the state purchased

         ration (10 %) of the value of capital of the pioneer companies.

         These revenues may outweigh the revenue of taxes and other

          sovereign revenues. If these revenues were available to the

          state, it was able to perform the following tasks

        1-The state will preserve on the personality of the state

          (through the internal and external security).

        2- It works the advanced infrastructure.

        3-The state makes the social security (help the poor -

           employment - provision of health and education services …etc).

        4-The state will maintain on the economic growth (increasing

           of local investments and the ability to attract global capital).

 In the macroeconomic emerge these diseases. We will mention

the important diseases that need to be treated by using the

 economic genes or the financial and monetary policy tools as follows:-

 First: The disease emerges from non-self-sufficiency from goods and services.

    One of the main issues that is concerned it by the political,

    the executive and the legislative powers is an attempt of achieving

   the self-sufficiency from goods and services. As self-sufficiency has

   a direct impact on the stability and security in the country and to

   treatment this issue is by knowing the amount and volume of the

   required goods and services and the amount of actually production

 and the gap that must be covered by using the financial and monetary

  policy tools, so as the state is working to strengthen the existing

  companies, which contribute to filling the needs of the state from

  these goods and services and it must treat the failure companies,

 the state must give package of incentives for these companies in

order to continue in providing its contribution from these goods and services,

and the state must employ the savings in direct proposed projects to

 filling its needs from these goods and services, and the state can

 shift investments from the undesirable companies activities to activities

can contribute in achieving the self-sufficiency. This happens when

 the state imposes taxes or duties on the undesirable activities.

However, if there was still a shortage of goods and services must be

 imported from the outside from output of the surplus export of goods

 and services that is available to the state, so that there is not pressure

 on the balance of payments to the state (the current balance) this side,

and on the other hand, the state must know the type of goods and

services before its import from abroad, and do the composition

of these products include on output of natural resources or output of

 technological innovations? if it was latest, the state has adopted

scientific research to provide these products instead of imported.

Second: the disease emerges from financial recruitment issue and attracting funds of investments:-

    We mentioned in the issue of self-sufficiency from goods and

    services that the state must propose new projects to be able

   to filling the gap that emerges from a shortage of goods and

   services, and then the state needs to financial recruitment

   that must be measured as follows:-

   1- the state must direct the savings (as direct employment)

      toward the proposed projects, rather than speculating in the

     stock market or banks deposits with stimulating the owners

      of savings to get a good profit from coupons (resulting they

      bought the shares in the proposed pioneer projects).

  2- The state must subscribe in 10 % from the capital value

      of pioneer projects, whether new or existing projects which

      has generated annual revenues that help the state to meet

      its expenditure.

  3- The genes of companies that belong to fifth or sixth group,

      they must invest their surplus funds.

   4- The state must attract the global capital towards pioneer

       projects that contribute to achieving self-sufficiency with

      condition non-wasting the natural resources of the state or

       its transition to the outside.

 Third: Disease emerges from issue of unemployment:-

       To treatment the issue of unemployment is as follows:-

      1- Right man is working in the right position, through

          compatible of its genes with genes of its products.

    2- The state must work to continuation the work of the

       various economic units, which would lead to the continuation

       of labor, through stimulating the pioneer companies and

       treatment of the failure companies.

    3- The state must employ the unemployment in new projects.

    4- The state must improve the capacity of labor through the

        process of education, training and scientific research, which

       make these labors are able to entry in work of new activities.

Fourth: Disease emerges from issue of poverty:-

      We reminded that the concentration of wealth among a few

      categories in the state will lead to reducing the purchasing

      power and thus to slow the growth of economy and rises the

      prices of products then the economic circle will enter into

      crisis after crisis, therefore the state must intervene to increase

      the liquidity of this category (poor) to revive the economy.

      This issue is treated as following:-

  1- It must be there new projects in the state in order to open

     (to this poor category) job opportunities are better than existing

      posts, which will improve their income.

  2- The continuation of the educational process, training and

      the conduct of scientific research in the state will improve the

      level of that category resulting to improvement its income.

  3- When the state diagnosis the companies in order to know

      the failure companies in order to be treated and the pioneer

     companies in order to work with them a database and in order

      to direct the suppliers, customers and investors toward the

      pioneer companies in order to continue to be successful.

     Then the state can subscribe in proportion of 10 % of the

     shares of the capital’s pioneer companies until it get annual

    cash revenues. The state must spend part from these revenues

     on two important elements, namely the poor and the scientific

     research. This revenue is not a burden to the companies,

     such as taxes and it is not a burden on the state. This revenue

      is renewed yearly and it emerges resulting success of the

     companies in achieving the profits and this is convenience to

      the states that the sovereign revenues are few (such as oil –

       natural resources …etc)

 Fifth: Disease emerges from issue of education and scientific research:-

The state may face difficult in the conduct of scientific research.

This is due to the high cost, especially to the states that the

sovereign revenues are low. So the state needs to annual revenue.

This revenue must be renewed. Then the state will be able to enter

this field to achieve its objectives, there comes the suggestion that

the state has a ratio of 10 % of the volume of pioneer companies

capital for get revenue (coupons). This revenue can help the state to

expend on the poor and scientific research. Here an interesting

question emerges, where does the state come with money that will

subscribe with it in the pioneer companies? Normally it would be

 from sovereign revenues. (Such as taxes – duties and output of

 natural resources …etc). If the state has not sufficient revenues,

it can borrow from the people (by bonds). The state gives the

interest rate is higher than the interest rate of the banks on the

bonds and then it invests this money in the pioneer companies

that give profits are higher than interest of the bonds in order

to utilize with difference of profits. These profits will help the

state to give the subsidies for the poor and to cover the scientific

 research costs. But the benefits of education and scientific

research they are as follows:-

  1- The education leads to preparing of labors in order to be

      capable of improving the performance of economic units.

   2- Output of innovations achieves very high returns.

   3- Usage the output of technological innovations compensates

      the shortage of natural resources.

   4- The presence of the output of technological innovations is

       usually to reduce the dependence of the state on the outside

      world in the management of their needs.

 Diseases that affect the global economy and

how do we treat these diseases by using the genes of economic.

 We reminded in the definition of the global economy,

  it is ability to move the global capital across the borders of

different countries for development of these capitals and in

order to benefit from the comparative advantages that the

state offered to create economic growth. But there is a question

arises, when does the state resort to attract global capital?

And how the owners of global capital choose the state in order to

establish its projects? The answer to this question, the state must

resort to attract the global capital when the saved money in the

state is very weak and is unable to establishment the projects

in order to contribute in the self-sufficiency, and the state resorts

also to attract global capital for introduction of technological

innovations which the state finds difficult to achieve that in the

short term through the scientific research. Then the state must

warn from depletion of natural resources because of the futility or

transfer it outside. On the one hand, on the other hand, the global

capital moves to the host state that is not in the political confrontation

with the owners of capital and the state enjoys political stability and

security with available advantages in a particular field to achieve

financial growth to the capital owners.

   Diseases which affect the global economy and how do we treat these

    diseases by using the genes of economic

First: Disease emerges from non-movement of global capital:-

    The global capital does not move for the following reasons:-

    1- Difference in political ideologies.

    2- There is lack in political or security stability of the host state.

    3- There are not features in the sector that is desired the investment in it.

    4- There is not growth to the invested money because there is

        imposition of restriction on these funds (taxes -difficulty in

        transferring the funds …etc).

    Second: Disease emerges from non-achieving of the objectives from

                  movement of global capital:-

             This disease emerges when the state does not achieve its

             goals from presence the global capital and this is due to the

             following reasons:-

       1- If the presence of foreign capital leads to the transmission

           or the depletion or waste of the natural resources of the country.

          Or it led to the pollution of the environment.

      2- The state does not utilize from output of technological innovations

          that is supposed its availability in global capital.

      3- If the projects that are adopted by the owners of the global capital

          did not contribute in achieving self-sufficiency to the state.

      4- When there is not improve in the quality of the products to be

          achieved or they did not achieve the required rate of growth.

 This disease emerges also when the owners of global capital do not

  achieve their goals and this is due to the following reasons:-

   1- If the sector where is invested the global capital is not from the

       pioneer sectors that must achieve the growth to invested money.

      Here, the role of economic genes comes to determine the pioneer

      sectors and to work to attract this money to these sectors.

    2- If there were restrictions on the growth of the invested money

        therefore we prefer the partnership between the state and the

        owners of global capital for understanding the problems that arise

       and work to resolve them.

 Note: if the movement of capital is transferring of monetary to these

      capitals across countries (as cash deposits in the banks or speculation

       in the stock market). Then the host country for this money prevents

       the entry of this money to the state and is not invested under the

       banner of existence of purchasing power can be used in development

       of projects or the lifting capacity of purchasing power because the

        savings of the people in the host state have priority in this issue, and

        this due to two reasons:-

1- When we defined the microeconomic, we mentioned, it is combination of

     the physical capital and human capital to produce product has added value,

     everyone wishes to satisfy its needs will pay the price of this product,

     this means that foreigner that has got cash ( he must be the owner

    of money from people of the country) has been shared the state with

    all what is produced from production that has added value with value

    of  its return (interest) on its deposits. These products may be output

    of natural resources or output of technological innovations. This return

     will add to the value of the original capital (deposit). Here the depositor

     decreases from resources of the state and transfers them to outside

     of its borders.

 2- The economy system of the state will meet violent shocks in its financial

      system when the drawers draw suddenly the cash money from the banks

     or from speculation in the stock market, this will lead to financial crisis

     in the state.

Definition of the seven genes that used by genetic economy

(Economic resources, either as input or output):

First: The definition of product gene efficiency

It is for Measurement of the product efficiency and determination

of its ability to cover all the expenses and to achieve an adequate

return on the company's capital.

        Definition of the product efficiency:

1- The product means (goods or service), whether the product is

     produced by the company or is bought from the others, as the

     product represent the main activity for which the company is

     established in order to sell it to make a profit for the company.

2- The product efficiency means the ability of the one unit of

     product and the extent of its contribution to cover the

    administrative expenses and debit interest to achieve net profit

    on the company's capital so this efficiency depends on the

    following three elements:

      A- The cost of the one unit of the product.

      B- Selling price for one unit.

      C- The quantity produced and sold from this product.

The efficiency of products divided into

(excellent-very good-good-acceptable-poor-very poor-losses)

Second: The definition of activity gene

General and administrative expenses are the mandatory expenses

to complete the company's activity that is relating to working capital

turnover (It differ about the production costs) which should be

deducted from income statement to reach the net profit which

deserve owners of capital. So degree of activity of the company

for general and administrative expenses divided into

(excellent-very good-good-acceptable- poor-very poor -losses)

Third: The definition of debit cost gene (debit interest )

Interest of debit is a cost which the company activity bears and is deduced

from the income statement and have negative impact on net profits,

which arises when the company resorted to borrow from the

others (such as banks) so the interest of debit is calculated on this loan.

So the company's activity degrees for debit interest divided into

(excellent- very good- good- acceptable- poor- very poor- losses).

Fourth: Definition of external revenues gene:

External revenues are the revenues that are obtained by the

company excluding the revenue from the main activity of the company

as the external revenues positively affect the business result when

included in the income statement of the company. So the activity

degrees of the company for other revenues divided into

(excellent- very good- good- acceptable- poor- very poor- losses).

Fifth: Definition of the efficiency  gene of management

 of the main activity of the company:

1- We mean with management of the main activity of the company

            is to manage the working capital of the company (in terms of

           the processing of the product- whether produced or bought-

           and then sell it and collect its value) in order to achieve gross

          profit to be able to cover all the administrative and credit expenses

          and results net profit is equivalent to the company's capital.

     2- We mean with efficiency of management of the main activity of

          the company, the ability of the company's administrators to repeat

          the number of working capital turnover per fiscal year in order to

          maximize the company's net profit.

So the efficiency for management of the main activity of the company is

(excellent- very good- good- acceptable- poor- losses).

Sixth: Definition of efficiency gene of management 

of the main activity including the value of credit

 facilities of the company:

      A-We defined the main activity and also the efficiency of

            management of the main activity (look at the fifth element).

        B- We means including the credit facilities,  the ability of the

             success of the company administrators in management of the

             value of these facilities in order to use them to achieve more

             profits for the company.

So the efficiency of management of the main activity including the

value of credit facilities of the company divided into

(excellent- very good- good- acceptable- poor- losses).

Seventh: Definition of efficiency gene of management

 of all available resources of the company:

1- All available resources of the company are resources obtained

   by the company either through self-financing (the company's capital)

   as well as the value of the credit facilities which results about it the

   cost of debit interest as well as facilities which is obtained by the

   company from others without cost (such as suppliers facilities).

2- Exploitation of all available resources in the company is to

   achieve the maximum benefit from those resources in the form of

   profits equivalent to the value of those available resources.

So the efficiency of management of all available resources of the

company is divided into

(excellent- very good- good- acceptable- poor- losses).

Second: The list of basic words used by genetic economy

    1- Administrative constitution for each company, which explains how the company is managed

    2. The financial and monetary policy

    3- Adjust of markets

     4-Attracting of investment

    5- Activation of markets

    6- Additional revenue: investing in pioneer companies

    7- Purchasing power