
Meant of evaluation

We will know the company's ability to achieve its primary objective, which leads eventually to the continuation of the company in future with identify the constraints that limit the possibility of achieving this goal and work to treatment of those with constraints

Evaluation objectives

1 - The evaluation aims to study the basic elements which are included in the company's activity to see extent the health of its performance and its contribution to achieving the company's goal with determination the item that has become one of the obstacles and work to remedy this obstacles

2 - The evaluation aims to provide an opportunity for making the right decision for the administrator through administrative constitution to the company that is available in evaluation report

3 - The evaluation aims to provide expertise to administrator of the company and abbreviates many years to acquire this expertise

Evaluation requirements

The form Includes on data entry of the required elements for the evaluation process which is accessible and is available in the income statement and the balance sheet of the company as follows

1 - The value of activity revenue - or the value of sales

2 - The value of the cost of the activity - or the value of purchases

3 - The value of general and administrative expenses, inclusive depreciation

4 - The value of the debit interest, if it is not exist enter the number zero

5 - The value of external revenue if it is not exist enter the number zero

6 - Total value assets - Total fixed assets and Total current assets

Preferably that required input values for evaluation to be a whole year work why?

1 – In order to evaluation report is quite expressive about the events that took place during that year in the company

2 - in the case of the existence of obstacles in the company, the budget for the whole working year will be found to solve these obstacles

3 - In the case of the company deals in credit, the credit budget for the whole working year will appear to explain the excess sales that required to be sold to cover the debit interest

Evaluation results

Program will give an evaluation report for the company contains the following:

1 –administrative constitution specially for your company, which is guided in its management, which save years of experience for its acquisition in the activity of this company as the administrative Constitution contains:

A – The required quantity to be produce or purchased and how to market it.

B - The position of these products in the case of increasing costs and the decision should be taken

C - The capacity to be met by officials of the company.

D - Does your company will be allowed to use the system of granting discounts on sales prices in order to activate sales or it will lead to reverse results.

E- Does your company will be allowed to use the system of granting facilities to the customers of your company as a tool of marketing or it will lead to financial hardship.

F - Does your company will be allowed to deal in credit so the company activity will expand, or it will lead to the liquidation of the company.

G - What are the warnings to be observed in the management of general and administrative expenses until the company does not fall into the trap of extravagance.

H - What are the appropriate requirements for your company to be applied to improve the results of your company through utilization of available resources.

2 - Determine the ability of the company's products to cover all expenses and to achieve an adequate return on capital where we will know:

A - Product definition and its efficiency

B - Knowing the evaluation degree of company's product (Excellent - or very good - or good - or acceptable - or weak or very weak - or losses).

C - Responsible who manage the company's products

D - Tasks that must be performed by each of the production manager (or purchases) and marketing manager

E- The decision should be taken either from the company administrative or from the officials of the State to support the efficiency of the product

3 – knowing if there is extravagant in general expenses or not, where are:

A - The definition of general and administrative expenses

B - Knowing the evaluation degree of general and administrative expenses in order to determine the degree of extravagance that occurred

C - Responsible for the management of general and administrative expenses.

D - The tasks to be carried out towards the general and administrative expenses

E- The decision to be made towards the general and administrative expenses

4 - To know the extent of the impact of the debit interest on the products cost in case of dealing in bank credit where you will know:

A –The definition of debit interest.

B - Evaluation degree of debit interest in order to know the extent of their impact on the cost of the company's products

C - Responsible for the management of the debit interest.

D - The value of excess sales in and required to be marketed to cover the debit interest.

E- decision should be made towards the debit interest.

5 - Knowing the extent of the impact of the revenue that comes from outside the activity to improve the company's results where you will know:

A – The definition of external revenue

B - Evaluation degree of external revenue in order to know the extent of its impact on improving the company's results

C - Responsible for the management of external revenue.

D - Decision to be made towards the external revenue.

6 - Knowing of administrative efficiency of the company in the management of each of the main activity of the company and also in the management of credit resources, as well as in the management of all the entire resources of the company where you will know:

A – The definition of officials efficiency

B – evaluation of the performance of company officials, both for the management of the main activity, management of credit (loans) resource and also management of all company resource


1 - This program prepare automatically the budget in case of the existence of obstacles in the company in order to work on the treatment as follows:

Sales value = 4,410,416.66


The value of purchases= 3,497,916.66


Gross Profit = 912 500


Expenses = 600000


Net profit = 312500

When this budget disappears, it means that officials have succeeded in the management of the company.

2 - Budget reflects the beginning point of safety in the management of the company in terms of:

A - If company do not achieve values ​​more than the values of this budget ,the company is likely to enter next years in economic recession

B - If the company achieved values ​​greater than the values ​​of this budget, it enter at the stage of economic stability then the budget do not appear again that is proof on the success of the officials in management of the company

3 –The budget that is prepared by the company as well as the budget for the Feasibility study can be evaluated to know if the company will exceed the safety point or not, through the confirmation of appearance of budget which appear spontaneously in report or not.

4 -In the case of the company deal in credit, the program will prepare automatically credit budget that illustrate the excess value of sales and required to be marketed to cover debit interest as follows:

Excess sales value in = 1,691,666.66


The value of purchases= 1,341,666.66


Gross Profit = 350000


Debit Interest = 350000


Net Profit = 00